Galaxy Space Terms

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The name galaxy is taken from the greek word galaxia meaning milky a reference to our own galaxy the milky way.

Galaxy space terms. Hubble deep field south hdf s a tiny region of the southern sky near the southern cross toward which the hubble space telescope was pointed for ten straight days in 1998. Gravity holds galaxies together against the general expansion of the universe. The scientific study of the universe and the objects in it. Start studying space terms.

Space exploration technologies corporation more commonly known as spacex was founded in 2002 by elon musk the guy who brought us tesla cars and paypal. A collection of thousands to billions of stars held together by gravity. A large spiral galaxy that is home to earth and the rest of our solar system and about a trillion stars. Dwarf star a smaller star.

The galaxy we live in is called the milky way. A galaxy is a gravitationally bound system of stars stellar remnants interstellar gas dust and dark matter. The amateur astronomy hobby contains words labels and technical terms that may seem be a little confusing for both beginners and the more experienced hobbyists. Small rocky object orbiting the sun.

Learn vocabulary terms and more with flashcards games and other study tools. The galaxy we live in is called the milky way. The goal of spacex is pretty clear cut. Thousands of them exist in the part of the solar system known as the asteroid belt between mars and jupiter.

When soviet union responded with the launch of the sputnik then usa responded with the project mercury our first program to put an astronaut in space. Glossary of astronomy terms the universe is a large place full of wondrous and unimaginable things. A galaxy is a group of many stars with gas dust and dark matter. Any star of average to low brightness mass and size.

Part of the electromagnetic spectrum also called gamma radiation. A layer of. This glossary of astronomy is a list of definitions of terms and concepts relevant to astronomy and cosmology their sub disciplines and related fieldsastronomy is concerned with the study of celestial objects and phenomena that originate outside the atmosphere of earththe field of astronomy features an extensive vocabulary and a significant amount of jargon. Getting transport for the colonization of mars.

Small easily recognized pattern of stars usually forming part of a larger pattern or constellation. Dwarf galaxy small galaxy that contain a few million stars it is the most common kind of galaxy in the universe.